
Born in 1998, Marc Tschanz began playing the schwyzoise in 2006 at the swiss accordeon school Reconvilier with Daniel Thürler.

Since 2017, he has been a member of the Trio Thürler-Mosimann.

He began giving private schwyzoise lessons in January 2018. Since 2019, he has been teaching at the schwyzoise school in Reconvilier and since 2020 at the Swiss Folk Music Centre.

Un renouveau très prometteur – La Semaine | Hebdomadaire fondé en 2007

He is also a founding member of the group M-Project.

“I love sharing the joy of music with others.” He does this, among other things, via his YouTube channel.

In 2021, he has taken up the challenge of giving lessons online by creating the website (PDF Le folklore se met en ligne)

At the end of 2021, he won the 2nd place in the big RTS competition with his cover of 7 Nations Army. (PDF Prise de position pourla réorganisation de la région)

In 2022, he founded the group Black Noise Sheep with Debby Seiler, Simi Schnydrig, San-G Jordan und Dieti Zurbriggen.

In 2023, he released his first single Harmonya. That same year, he also had the opportunity to take part in his first tour with Trauffer. At the end of the year, he won the small Prix Walo.

In 2024, he released his first album Örgeli House, with which he embarked on his first solo tour through Switzerland.